Win Your Day, Win Your Life: 5 Simple Keys
Everybody loves to win, right? That feeling of accomplishment never gets old; for some, it becomes an adrenaline rush. We get addicted. We seek it
You Are (Fit) Enough
He struggled to make it through the 6-minute warm-up. Gasping for air, his legs were burning and he had to stop multiple times in just
Keys to a Healthy, Effective, Sustainable Fitness Journey
If we could get you to your goal in 3 weeks but told you that you would lose your progress after another 6 weeks, would
What is “Healthy?”
“I just want to be healthy.” · We hear this often from new members who come to us at Brickhouse when we ask what their
The Other 23 Hours
Paul finished his workout in record time, crushing the metcon and feeling awesome about his performance. He sat on the floor for a few
The Best Training Split and Schedule
We get this question a lot when we are on-boarding new athletes and also from those athletes who have been with us but are
Intensity Prescriptions for CrossFit
CrossFit changes lives by helping people find and maximize their health and fitness. · It’s no secret what we promote within our CrossFit program
Winning the War on Ripped Hands
You come off the bar, excited for the toes-to-bar or pull-up reps you’ve just accomplished.⠀ ·⠀ But then you look down at your hands,
Schedule your free intro
Talk with a coach about your goals, make a plan to achieve them.