Jon originally started with us in 2017 and has been an awesome part of our community for multiple years! He came from a martial arts studio and got hooked on CrossFit as a way to get in the best shape of his life. He’s been working on his double unders during quarantine; he’s gone from scaling workouts that had double unders in them to recently getting 66 unbroken!
Jon’s journey has been a fun one; we did nutrition coaching for a bit and he rocked it. He had the less popular goal of gaining weight when we worked on his food. We pumped him full of carbs (he was eating 400+ per day) but they were such clean carbs that he was improving his body composition while gradually adding weight. It was really cool to see; Jon is a data guy so he tracked his macros to the T and was a star client!
Jon did semi-private training early last year and we got some great work in on his overhead mobility for the snatch and the overhead squat. He’s continued progressing since then.
May of last year Jon opened up his pool to the entire Brickhouse family to cool off after the Memorial Day hero workout “Murph.” That was a great time and Jon you were an amazing host (along with Ashley!)
In July of last year he brought his girlfriend Ashley over from the Spartan world to try CrossFit and she loved it. They are now “WOD partners” and really enjoy working out together. There’s even some friendly competition some days, we hear 🙂
Jon, having you at Brickhouse is a blessing; keep being you, because we love you!