Struggling to find time to consistently make it to the gym each week?
When you signed up, you had grand intentions of making it in 4-5 times per week, feeling the awesomeness that comes along with working out, feeling better and reaching your goals.
And then something came up. And then this other thing.
5 workouts per week turned into a more realistic 3. But then something else comes up. Down to 2.
See the trend? If you’re not careful, the ambition you started with can easily dwindle into 1-2 workouts per week. If we’re not dialed in on the other areas in our life (i.e. nutrition, sleep, alcohol consumption), it’s easy to see stalled progress and even backtrack a little bit.
❓How do we avoid this nasty trap? With a very simple method and tool.
🔑Time block your workouts.
Enter: Google Calendar 📱 Or any calendar for that matter.
Just like you pencil in a meeting, a hair appointment, etc…, put your workout time into your calendar.
It’s an appointment. You don’t blow off your 3pm meeting with your boss because you’re too busy or feel a little tired, right?
🗓 Putting the 5:30 class into your calendar, making it a true, penciled in obligation triples the likelihood that you’re going to follow through and make it to your workout.
If you’re like most of us these days, you’re busy AF. From work meetings to kids and other commitments, your time is your most precious commodity.
💯 Don’t “find” time to workout. “Make” time. Block it into your calendar and stick to it.
You’ve seen the benefit of what training can do for your body, mind and all the other areas of your life. Build on that and let’s create something special as you track toward your goals.
Send us an email and let’s talk about your schedule and how we can help!