Win Your Day, Win Your Life: 5 Simple Keys

Everybody loves to win, right? That feeling of accomplishment never gets old; for some, it becomes an adrenaline rush. We get addicted. We seek it out.
This is not necessarily a bad thing; unless we let it be. Physically we’re not going to be able to “win” at everything. But within our minds and our frames of perception, we can ALWAYS win. We can find the positive in every negative and learn to frame everything as a “win”.
This is something that takes focused inner work and an intentional mindset to accomplish. We are conditioned in this world and predisposed by our biologies to see the negative. We see danger and we avoid danger. This is how our ancestors survived. (no one wants to get eaten by a tiger, right?!)
What if you could train yourself to “win” at everything? Note the quotation marks. They signify that you are PERCEIVING everything as a win. What would that do for you in your life? How would your world change?
The little things are the pieces that lead to massive success and living your best life. Below are 5 things you can do every day to set yourself up for the big win. Remember, at the end of the day, the way you think and the actions you take are the things within your control. They decide your “win”. Here we go:
1. Don’t hit the Snooze button. When that alarm goes off, get up! When you hit the snooze, you are subconsciously telling yourself that 5-10min of sleep is more important than starting your day and accomplishing what’s in front of you. You’re telling your hopes and dreams that they can wait.
2. Morning “Me” Time. You should have time each morning dedicated completely to yourself. Now, that can look a lot of different ways for different people and their lifestyles. For some it might mean meditation or journaling; others may take a walk; some may sit outside and drink coffee or tea. The point is that you are setting aside a block of time, whether it be 5 minutes or an hour, for yourself. You’re worth it!
3. Movement. Move your body, in some way or another. It could be as simple as a walk or some stretching at home. It could be a group class, a hike, cycling, anything. We were meant to move. Be active and express yourself through what your body can do!
4. Eat Foods That Support Your Goals. Your nutrition, the foundational component of health and fitness, should be intentional during your day. Eat foods that support what you want. What are your goals? Is this food choice aligning with that? When we make choices that align, other things begin to align as well.
5. Prepare For and Preview the Next Day the Night Before. What’s on the schedule for tomorrow? How are you going to approach it? What needs to get done? Spend 5-10min thinking about these questions while you’re winding down each evening and it will set you up for a win the next day. Prep foods, lay out clothes, decide how you’re going to have that conversation or what you’re going to do for the meeting. Align the next day’s events with your values and things come into focus.
Remember, our days are “won” or “lost” in our own minds. Those who are most successful CHOOSE to win and are doing, in some form, the things above on a regular basis. Try some of them out for yourself and see the difference they make in your life!
Are you struggling with day-to-day life and doing the “little things”? Let’s talk. Email us for a free “no sweat” talk about how we can get you on a better path for YOU and your journey. We want to help!

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