Meet the Brickhouse Health and Fitness Team

Encounter the fitness professionals dedicated to assisting you in reaching your goals.
woman doing leg extentions with dumbbells

Our Coaches

Ryan Robertson


Hi, I'm Ryan, and I want to help people live better lives. At Brickhouse we use fitness and nutrition to help people be healthier, happier, more confident and, most importantly, live amazing lives. Over the last 5+ years Brickhouse, a life transformation center, has evolved within my vision of health and fitness.

We have a space built around positivity, support, kindness, accountability, compassion – all these amazing things that allow someone, anyone, to walk through the doors and change his/her life with fitness and nutrition. We are able to help people from a young age to an old age, from already healthy to completely sedentary, and everyone in between. So my “Why” is simple: I want to help people live better lives. At Brickhouse, we use nutrition and fitness (personal, semi-private, group) to help that happen. Our actions are supported by our values (above), and we have a growing culture that is turning this amazing flywheel faster and faster. The future of health and fitness in Roanoke, Virginia, is bright! Please let me help you build a roadmap for your health. Book a Free Intro today!

Jenelle Fuller


Fitness has always been a large part of my life! As an athlete I began training myself in 2016. I've been a certified personal trainer since 2020 with a specialization in strength and conditioning. I enjoy coaching beginners in fitness because I get to go back to the basics and show proper movement form. I also enjoy coaching athletes and helping them with sport specific exercises to help them excel in their sport. Through physical training I intend to help all my clients feel comfortable and confident in themselves!

Fitness has always been a large part of my life! As an athlete I began training myself in 2016. I’ve been a certified personal trainer since 2020 with a specialization in strength and conditioning. I enjoy coaching beginners in fitness because I get to go back to the basics and show proper movement form. I also enjoy coaching athletes and helping them with sport specific exercises to help them excel in their sport. Through physical training I intend to help all my clients feel comfortable and confident in themselves!

I’ve been a rugby athlete for the past 11 years and every year I strive to be a better player and teammate. Fitness has helped me make great strides in my gameplay. I’ve noticed that I’m usually one of the most physically fit players on the field, always playing a full 80 minute game. Whether my clients are athletes or simply people trying to get in shape or maintain their fitness, I make it my mission to help them reach their fitness goals!

Favorite Workout Tip: One of my favorite tips to tell clients is to breathe! Seems so simple but I’ve noticed that people tend to hold their breath when training. Breathing with the movement helps you to push through discomfort when you’re feeling like giving up!

Fun Fact: My favorite movement is lunges 🙂
Some may call me crazy for that but I think they burn so good!

Blake Johnson


Brandy Huff


I have always had a passion for fitness and nutrition. I love to run, lift weights, mountain bike, and kayak. I believe that exercise is not just about losing weight, but for creating a stronger body that can take on daily life. My goal is to get more people moving, motivate individuals to achieve their fitness goals and to feel more confident. My favorite thing to hear is when people say "you make me actually enjoy exercise".

My Favorite Fitness tip: Brace your abs and shoulders, this works for every movement.
My Favorite workout movements are Push Press, Pull ups and Lunges.

Fun Fact: I have been running the Blue Ridge Half Marathon since 2013 because I like a challenge and I do Burpee box jumps on my birthday.

Jordan Logan


I am a 23 year old Radford University Graduate with a degree in health sciences and a minor in psychology. I graduated in the honors society and was included on the Dean's list every semester. I was born and raised in Roanoke , Virginia. I have played sports all my life including basketball, baseball, and lacrosse. I primarily focused on basketball and still play to this day. I have been weight lifting for about 10 years now. While at Radford University I helped strength train with several of the sports programs including basketball, soccer, and softball. I workout 5-6 days a week and actively track my nutrition daily.

Passion for Fitness:

I am very passionate about fitness and coaching because I am a firm believer that health is one of the most important privileges that we are gifted in this life and to be able to live at the highest quality of health , is the true definition of wealth. I truly believe that everyone can benefit from being active and can improve their quality of living from being more fit.

Favorite Workout Tip:

Keep going. Keep the ball rolling. Don’t stop when things get hard because that’s where the progression and improvement starts. It’s a lot easier to quit then keep going , but taking that easy route now will ultimately lead to having a harder route in the future.

Fun Fact:

I am color blind; I build show cars for a side hobby ; I am also a server at Texas Roadhouse and a substitute teacher

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