CrossFit IS Health Care

Health insurance, doctor’s visits, tests, prescriptions, etc…. All of this adds up and for some people that monthly total is equivalent to a mortgage payment. The cost of being unwell is enormous.
We are living in a dangerous place with our health as a nation right now, and it’s actually a lot worse than most people realize.⠀
UnitedHealth estimates that by the year 2020 over half the population will be either diabetic or prediabetic (
Chronic disease is running rampant through our community. Highly processed foods and sedentary lifestyles are literally killing people.⠀
But here’s the thing: the vast majority of these diseases are not only preventable, but reversible with lifestyle and diet changes.⠀
You don’t get these things in the hospital. When it comes to chronic disease, hospitals and doctors are damage control.⠀
The system is broken.⠀
Doctors are trained to treat disease with medication. This ensures big profits for Big Pharma.⠀
Training in nursing schools and medical schools lacks extensive education on nutrition and exercise.⠀
There’s no profit for hospitals and pharmaceutical companies in prevention and lifestyle changes. They NEED us to be sick to stay in business.⠀
Again, the system is broken.⠀
This is why CrossFit is changing the world. Greg Glassman’s hierarchy of CrossFit that builds metabolic conditioning, gymnastics and weightlifting on top of a nutrition base. Meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Food that supports exercise but not body fat.⠀
WE are preventing chronic disease. WE are reversing these terrible illnesses. With constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity.⠀
We are health care. And we are superior health care.⠀
The cost of our care is much less expensive than what happens inside the walls of a hospital or pharmacy.⠀
Further reading:
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