5 Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

Can’t make it to a gym? Have zero equipment? Short on time?

No problem! You can still get some fitness in. While training in a group environment or personal training under the close eye of a coach is the best way to train, sometimes we just can’t make that happen. But don’t let that stop you!

Here are 5 days (a full week of travel!) of workouts that use only body weight or household objects to get a great workout in. They build on each other so you could do these 5 days in a row if you really want to bump up your fitness level!

Shoot us a message and let us know how it goes if you try them.

Day 1

Warm up:
20 Air Thrusters (elbows up with hands next to chin, squat, press overhead)
10 Pushups
1 Min Plank

Movement Skill:
Air Squats – Train with butt against a wall – practice down and up, driving knees outward and keeping torso vertical

1min Low Plank (forearms on ground)
1min Wall Sit (Back flush against wall, knees/legs at 90*)
1min Low Plank
REST 1 Min
Repeat 5 Times

10 Minutes, Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM)
Odd Minutes – 25 Air Squats (Minutes 1,3,5,7,9)
Even Minutes – 12 Push-Ups (Minutes 2,4,6,8,10)

Day 2

Warm up:
20 Air Thrusters
10 Pushups
1 Min Plank

Movement Skill:
V-Ups (Lying flat on back with arms extended overhead, lift torso/arms/legs at same time and make a “V” with your body)
5 x 12 (slow, controlled movement) 1min rest between sets

Box dips (think coffee table, bathtub or other low, sturdy surface)
Double-Count Mountain Climbers (Left-Right is 1, Left-Right 2, etc…)

(this workout will go 21-21-15-15-12-12, etc…)

Day 3

Warm up:
20 Air Thrusters
10 Pushups
1 Min Plank

EMOM 6min
45 Sec Low Plank

50 Air Squats
40 Pushups
30 Alternating Lunges in Place
20 V-Ups
10 Burpees

REST 2min, then

Finish with 40 Sit-Ups – Feet stabilized (under couch or other object)

Day 4

Warm up:
40 Extended Plank Alternating Shoulder Taps
1 Min Wall Sit
20 Air Squats

30 Alternating Lunges
15 Double-Count Mountain Climbers
REST 1:30 b/t sets

20 Burpees
30 Jumping Jacks
40 Air Squats

Day 5

Warm up:
40 Extended Plank Alternating Shoulder Taps
1 Min Wall Sit
20 Air Squats

Movement Skill:
Air Squat – “Bring Sally Up”
Google this song and play it on your phone or laptop – each time the lyrics say ‘Bring Sally Up’ you come up out of the squat, and ‘Bring Sally Down’ you go back down to the bottom and hold.

This is going to burn!

10 Minutes
EMOM – Burpees
10 Reps
(breathe – this is going to get tough after the first few minutes. Hang in there)

Rest 3min, Then:

Finish with 60 Sit-Ups for time.

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